Mae profiadau bywyd plentyn, fel unrhyw un arall, yn ddibynol ar eu sefyllfa. Dyma’r sesiwn yn
Storiel yn ceisio casglu profiadau bywyd plant Criw Celf ym Mangor ar gyfer arddangosfa I’r Byw.
Efallai bod rhywun yn diystyrru profiad bywyd plentyn oherwydd yr amser llai maen nhw wedi ei dreulio yn y byd hwn ond dim ond yn yr oed yma mae person yn wirioneddol gallu gweld y byd drwy lygaid plentyn.
A child’s lexperience of life, like anyone else’s, depends on their circumstances. This is the session at Storiel attempting to capture the life experiences of Criw Celf children at Bangor for the I’r Byw exhibition. Perhaps we tend to discount a child’s life experiences because of the shorter time spent in this world but it’s only at this age that a person can really see the world through the eyes of a child.
Roedd y gadair eitha syml wedi ei seilio ar ddwy gadair o gasgliad yr amgueddfa yn Storiel ac yn ryw fath o sgetsh mewn pren – prototeip o fath fyddai’n arwain at ddarn mwy gorffenedig.
Wedi i’r criw sgetshio amrywiol ddarnau o’r casgliad gwych yn Storiel gwnaeth pawb ddarluniau
llachar ar seloffên o’u profiadau o fywyd hyd yn hyn, a rhoddwyd hwy un dros y llall i greu un
darn celf mawr o dan arweiniad Rebecca.
The quite simple chair was based on two examples from the museum collection at Storiel and is some sort of a sketch in wood – a prototype version leading to a more finished piece.
After the group sketched various pieces from Storiel’s excellent collection they all drew colourful images on cellophane of their life experiences to date, and these were overlapped to create one big artwork led by Rebecca.
Wrth ddod â’n sylw yn ôl at y gadair deircoes, dyma roi rhyddid i’r plant wneud fel ag y mynent,
sydd ddim yn rhywbeth mae plant yn cael eu gadael i wneud yn aml iawn.
“Gawn ni falu o?!”
“Gewch chi wneud be liciwch chi.”
Nid fy nghadair i oedd hi mwyach a’r Criw Celf oedd i benderfynu ei ffawd.
Turning then to the three legged chair, the children were given the freedom to do as they liked, something that children are seldom allowed to do.
“Can we break it?!”
“You can do whatever you like.”
It was no longer my chair and Criw Celf would decide its fate.
Ar ôl trafod ymysg ei gilydd, aeth y grŵp ati i weddnewid y gadair yn llwyr a chrewyd darn lliwgar o
waith drwy ddefnyddio paent sbrê a permanent marker, a’r lliwiau llachar a’r llinellau pendant, taclus yn crisialu golygon y plant ar fywyd.
Mae’r darn terfynol yn edrych rhyw fymryn fel cartŵn o’r 90au, adeg cyn i’r plant yma gael eu geni, ac roedd y penderfyniad i lifio darn oddi ar y cefn a’i ailosod ar slant yn ychwanegu elfen swrealaidd i’r cyfanwaith fydd i’w weld fel rhan o I’r Byw o ddiwedd Ebrill 2018 ymlaen.
After discussing amongst themselves, the group set about completely transforming the chair and creating a colourful piece through the use of spray paint and permanent markers, with the bright colours and definite, neat outlines capturing the children’s outlook on life.
The final piece looks a little like a cartoon from the 90s, a time before the children were born, and the decision to saw a piece from the back and reset it at an angle adds a surrealist element to the composition which can be seen as part of I’r Byw from the end of April 2018 onwards.