***GWERTHWYD AM £255.01***
Bydd 100% o elw yr ocsiwn yn mynd i Tarian Cymru i brynu offer gwarchodol ar gyfer staff meddygol Cymru.
Stol deircoes o ddistiau derw hynafol efo pegiau sapele. Wedi ei greu a llaw yn Nant Conwy, a’i orffen efo tair haen o shellac a dipyn go lew o gwyr. Cysylltwch efo Rhodri drwy E-bay neu drwy’r wefan yma am fwy o wybodaeth.
Mae’r ocsiwn yn fyw ar ebay – yn y fan yma… EBAY tan 1yp dydd Llun, 11eg Mai 2020.
Bydd posib trefnu cludiant buan yng Nghymru drwy rwydweithiau amrywiol (gan gadw at reolau ymbellahu a theithio) ond bydd angen trafod efo enillydd yr ocsiwn yn ddibynol ar eu lleoliad. Os yn byw tu allan i Gymru yna bydd rhaid trafod opsiynau pellach, eto yn ddibynol ar leoliad.
Ewch i wefan Tarian Cymru am fwy o wybodaeth.
***SOLD FOR £255.01***
100% of the proceeds from this auction will go to Tarian Cymru to buy PPE for medical staff in Wales.
Three legged stool from ancient oak and sapele pegs. Handmade in Conwy and finished with three coats of shellac and beeswax. Contact Rhodri through E-bay or this website for more information.
The auction is open on ebay until 1pm on Monday 11th May 2020 at this link… EBAY.
Transport and delivery can be arranged through various networks within Wales (keeping to travel and distancing rules) but we will need to discuss with the winner of the auction how this is done depending on their location. If you live outside Wales then further discussion will be needed, again, depending on location.
More information about Tarian Cymru can be found on their website.
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