by Rhodri Owen | Aug 11, 2020 |
Byrddau bach o dderw golau wedi eu gwneud i archeb. Gorffenwyd y coesau â thair côt o inc india a chwyr gwenyn. Mae’r inc yn cynnwys shellac sydd yn ei wneud yn gyfystyr a “sanding sealer” felly yn orffeniad du tywyll dwfn. Gan fod topiau’r byrddau wedi eu dewis yn arbennig a’u matshio i greu cymeriad, bydd pob darn ychydig yn wahanol felly cysylltwch i drafod opsiynau. £290 yr un. Small oak tables made to order with the legs finished in indian ink and wax. The ink contains shellac which makes it more or less the same as a sanding sealer and gives a perfect deep dark black finish. Because the table tops are specificaly selected from pieces to create character, each table will be slightly different, so contact me to discuss options. £290 each. Dodrefn Eraill.. Other Furniture.. Byrddau Bach Inc | Small Ink Tables Bwrdd | Table Stol Deircoes Ocsiwn PPE Stolion Bach Bwrdd Coffi Cypres | Cypress Coffee Table Bwrdd | Table Bwrdd Bwyd Cypreswydden – Cypress Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwmpas Lle Tân Addurnedig – Decorated Fireplace Surround Surround Cwmpas Lle Tân Plaen – Plain Fireplace Surround Surround Bwrdd Bwyd Segontium – Segontium Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwpwrdd Teledu | TV Cupboard cwpwrdd « Older...
by Rhodri Owen | May 8, 2020 |
***GWERTHWYD AM £255.01*** Bydd 100% o elw yr ocsiwn yn mynd i Tarian Cymru i brynu offer gwarchodol ar gyfer staff meddygol Cymru. Stol deircoes o ddistiau derw hynafol efo pegiau sapele. Wedi ei greu a llaw yn Nant Conwy, a’i orffen efo tair haen o shellac a dipyn go lew o gwyr. Cysylltwch efo Rhodri drwy E-bay neu drwy’r wefan yma am fwy o wybodaeth. Mae’r ocsiwn yn fyw ar ebay – yn y fan yma… EBAY tan 1yp dydd Llun, 11eg Mai 2020. Bydd posib trefnu cludiant buan yng Nghymru drwy rwydweithiau amrywiol (gan gadw at reolau ymbellahu a theithio) ond bydd angen trafod efo enillydd yr ocsiwn yn ddibynol ar eu lleoliad. Os yn byw tu allan i Gymru yna bydd rhaid trafod opsiynau pellach, eto yn ddibynol ar leoliad. Ewch i wefan Tarian Cymru am fwy o wybodaeth. ***SOLD FOR £255.01*** 100% of the proceeds from this auction will go to Tarian Cymru to buy PPE for medical staff in Wales. Three legged stool from ancient oak and sapele pegs. Handmade in Conwy and finished with three coats of shellac and beeswax. Contact Rhodri through E-bay or this website for more information. The auction is open on ebay until 1pm on Monday 11th May 2020 at this link… EBAY. Transport and delivery can be arranged through various networks within Wales (keeping to travel and distancing rules) but we will need to discuss with the winner of the auction how this is done depending on their location. If you live outside Wales then further discussion will be needed, again, depending on location. More information about Tarian Cymru can...
by Rhodri Owen | Jan 22, 2018 |
Setl fodern â dylanwad traddodiadol mewn derw glan efo cist yn y gwaelod i ddal tegannau a phethau tebyg – mae’r paneli wedi eu llifio o dopiau cegin (yn ôl gofyn y cwsmer). Croeso i chi gysylltu i drafod archebu un debyg neu unrhyw ddodrefnyn arall. A modern handmade settle of light oak with a chest at the bottom to keep toys and other nicknacks – the panels were sawn from oak kitchen worktops (as per the customer’s wishes). Contact me to discuss creating a handmade piece to your specifications. Dodrefn Eraill.. Other Furniture.. Byrddau Bach Inc | Small Ink Tables Bwrdd | Table Stol Deircoes Ocsiwn PPE Stolion Bach Bwrdd Coffi Cypres | Cypress Coffee Table Bwrdd | Table Bwrdd Bwyd Cypreswydden – Cypress Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwmpas Lle Tân Addurnedig – Decorated Fireplace Surround Surround Cwmpas Lle Tân Plaen – Plain Fireplace Surround Surround Bwrdd Bwyd Segontium – Segontium Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwpwrdd Teledu | TV Cupboard cwpwrdd « Older...
by Rhodri Owen | Jan 22, 2018 |
Bwrdd coffi mewn derw golau glân a thop o hen dderw Nant Conwy. Yn cynnwys silff i ddal papurau newydd a chylchgronau. Bum yn creu’r bwrdd a thorri’r mortusiaid a’r tenons (48 ohonyn nhw i gyd) ynghanol eira dechrau Rhagfyr 2017 – a’r gweithdy newydd yn arbed y coed a minnau rhag yr oerfel a’r elfennau. Cafodd y bwrdd gartref da ar Ynys Môn, ond cysylltwch ar bob cyfrif i archebu darn tebyg. Light oak coffee table with ancient Welsh Nant Conwy oak top. Includes a shelf to hold newspapers and magazines. The table was created including chopping 48 mortis and tenons during the snow at the beginning of December 2017 – the new workshop protecting the wood and myself from the cold and the elements. The table found a good home on Anglesey, but you’re welcome to contact me to order a similar piece. Dodrefn Eraill.. Other Furniture.. Byrddau Bach Inc | Small Ink Tables Bwrdd | Table Stol Deircoes Ocsiwn PPE Stolion Bach Bwrdd Coffi Cypres | Cypress Coffee Table Bwrdd | Table Bwrdd Bwyd Cypreswydden – Cypress Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwmpas Lle Tân Addurnedig – Decorated Fireplace Surround Surround Cwmpas Lle Tân Plaen – Plain Fireplace Surround Surround Bwrdd Bwyd Segontium – Segontium Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwpwrdd Teledu | TV Cupboard cwpwrdd « Older...
by Rhodri Owen | Nov 3, 2016 |
Cwpwrdd Kanu | Kanu Cupboard Hal.. Robson.. Hal Robson Kanu. etc. Cwpwrdd o dderw hynafol gafodd ei wneud yn ystod Pencampwriaeth Euro 2016, a wedi’i enwi ar ol un o sêr carfan Cymru. Mae pob darn yn unigryw, ond mae posib archebu un tebyg i ba bynnag maint a fynnwch. The Kanu Cupboard was made to order during the 2016 Euro Championships and named after one of the stars of the Welsh football team. Made from characterful ancient Welsh oak each piece is different, but you can order a similar piece to your own size and specifications. Dodrefn Eraill.. Other Furniture.. Byrddau Bach Inc | Small Ink Tables Bwrdd | Table Stol Deircoes Ocsiwn PPE Stolion Bach Bwrdd Coffi Cypres | Cypress Coffee Table Bwrdd | Table Bwrdd Bwyd Cypreswydden – Cypress Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwmpas Lle Tân Addurnedig – Decorated Fireplace Surround Surround Cwmpas Lle Tân Plaen – Plain Fireplace Surround Surround Bwrdd Bwyd Segontium – Segontium Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwpwrdd Teledu | TV Cupboard cwpwrdd « Older...