by Rhodri Owen | Jan 22, 2018 |
Setl fodern â dylanwad traddodiadol mewn derw glan efo cist yn y gwaelod i ddal tegannau a phethau tebyg – mae’r paneli wedi eu llifio o dopiau cegin (yn ôl gofyn y cwsmer). Croeso i chi gysylltu i drafod archebu un debyg neu unrhyw ddodrefnyn arall. A modern handmade settle of light oak with a chest at the bottom to keep toys and other nicknacks – the panels were sawn from oak kitchen worktops (as per the customer’s wishes). Contact me to discuss creating a handmade piece to your specifications. Dodrefn Eraill.. Other Furniture.. Byrddau Bach Inc | Small Ink Tables Bwrdd | Table Stol Deircoes Ocsiwn PPE Stolion Bach Bwrdd Coffi Cypres | Cypress Coffee Table Bwrdd | Table Bwrdd Bwyd Cypreswydden – Cypress Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwmpas Lle Tân Addurnedig – Decorated Fireplace Surround Surround Cwmpas Lle Tân Plaen – Plain Fireplace Surround Surround Bwrdd Bwyd Segontium – Segontium Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwpwrdd Teledu | TV Cupboard cwpwrdd « Older...
by Rhodri Owen | Jan 22, 2018 |
Bwrdd coffi mewn derw golau glân a thop o hen dderw Nant Conwy. Yn cynnwys silff i ddal papurau newydd a chylchgronau. Bum yn creu’r bwrdd a thorri’r mortusiaid a’r tenons (48 ohonyn nhw i gyd) ynghanol eira dechrau Rhagfyr 2017 – a’r gweithdy newydd yn arbed y coed a minnau rhag yr oerfel a’r elfennau. Cafodd y bwrdd gartref da ar Ynys Môn, ond cysylltwch ar bob cyfrif i archebu darn tebyg. Light oak coffee table with ancient Welsh Nant Conwy oak top. Includes a shelf to hold newspapers and magazines. The table was created including chopping 48 mortis and tenons during the snow at the beginning of December 2017 – the new workshop protecting the wood and myself from the cold and the elements. The table found a good home on Anglesey, but you’re welcome to contact me to order a similar piece. Dodrefn Eraill.. Other Furniture.. Byrddau Bach Inc | Small Ink Tables Bwrdd | Table Stol Deircoes Ocsiwn PPE Stolion Bach Bwrdd Coffi Cypres | Cypress Coffee Table Bwrdd | Table Bwrdd Bwyd Cypreswydden – Cypress Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwmpas Lle Tân Addurnedig – Decorated Fireplace Surround Surround Cwmpas Lle Tân Plaen – Plain Fireplace Surround Surround Bwrdd Bwyd Segontium – Segontium Dining Table Bwrdd | Table Cwpwrdd Teledu | TV Cupboard cwpwrdd « Older...